Notre Expertise > Segmented customer action plan
How to maximise the potential of my segmentation in my communications and services?
Should all communications be customised? Which ones will have a greater impact in terms of ROI?
New content, new solutions and new test plans, which ones can be automated?

What are we talking about?

Companies are not missing data or segments but the adequate application and ROI when exploiting these. Creating a successful segmented action plan is often the result of an effective collaboration between operational, data and technical teams. A repeated 4 step approach: generate data insights, qualify segmented actions, define tests and KPIs, governance.

Client case studies

Segmentation & activation des segments
Segmentation and targeting of segments

Our field of actions

  • Building the customer segmentation to target specific audiences
  • Devising the action and communication plans
  • Prioritising, qualifying and specifying the segmented actions with the strongest impact
  • Building the test plan and determining the KPIs
  • Defining the terms of collaboration between teams

Key expert


Bertrand Destailleur

Associate Customer Experience


What are the challenges?

Increasing sales through more precise marketing
Maximising the use of existing data assets
Multiplying up-selling and cross-selling between segments

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Stratégie de personnalisation

Optimisation algorithmique des actions marketing

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