Key expert

Strategy, digital and data acceleration are inseparable today.
We support organisations in their growth strategies, performance optimisations, digital and data transformations.
We capture value through leveraging new technologies, artificial intelligence and data under its multiple forms.
We believe that data and new technologies enable organisations to make informed decisions, gain in efficiency and create value.
As we have harnessed data and new technologies to transform strategies and foster growth since 2002.
Through a valued combination of consulting in strategy, digital acceleration, data and technology.
Equancy is wholly owned by its partners: our recommendations are impartial.
More than 200 experts
3 practices
Data case studies
Projects realised each year
En 2023 nous avons rejoint le Groupe EDG, qui développe une offre de conseil et de services globale autour de 5 domaines d'expertises : Data & IA, Marketing Performance, Digital Content, Cybersecurity & Technology, Growth Enablers.
Equancy et EDG partagent la même culture entrepreneuriale et la même exigence de qualité.
Cette alliance nous permet d'enrichir la palette des services proposés à nos clients autour des expertises digitales, marketing et data, et de développer de multiples synergies avec les autres entités du Groupe EDG.
Pour en savoir plus sur le Groupe EDG
We are always looking for talented and passionate people to join the team!