Notre Expertise > Omni-channel journey
How to digitalise, socialise and improve the flow of the customer journey? What role for human resources?
What is the pertinence, role and cost of each channel in the customer journey?
How to effectively allocate channels to the segments and customers which need them?

What are we talking about?

Giving multiple accesses to customers is key in a customer-brand relationship. Effectively, this requires delivering more channels and ensuring constant availability. The convenience given to customers is however a data, technological and organisational challenge and demands to rethink the role of digital and human resources within the customer journey.

Client case studies

Cartographie et refonte des parcours clients
Roadmap and redesign of the customer journey

Our field of actions

  • Target vision, ambition, role and function of each channel in the customer journey
  • Devising the data architecture and omnichannel technicalities
  • Developing segmented omnichannel customer journeys
  • Tracking, analysing and optimising performance / channels

Key expert


Bertrand Destailleur

Associate Customer Experience


What are the challenges?

Investing in the most profitable channels
Optimising the contact costs
Multiplying the keys to access further opportunities

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Transformation client

Plan d’actions client segmenté

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