News & Insights > Studies > Data quality: get clean, stay clean!

  •  By Didier Richaudeau

Because it is at the heart of the failure or success of an innovative project, data quality must be a subject of real attention from companies. An approach often perceived as a cost  rather than a profit center. Systematizing an approach based on data quality is nevertheless beneficial to all companies.

Alignment of stakeholders, deployment, upstream integration of problems... our 6 recommendations for effective data governance, to be found in our booklet "Data quality: get clean, stay clean!".

Since the impact of poorly qualified data on non-performance can prove to be major, quality management must be seen as a performance lever.

Key expert

Didier Richaudeau

Didier Richaudeau

Data associate

Qualité des données:  get clean, stay clean !


*Mandatory fiels

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