How La Poste Mobile managed to unite the whole company around the acceleration of the use of data to develop the commercial activity and improve the customer experience.
La Poste Mobile and Equancy talk about the launch of the customer portfolio value development strategy. They will explain how they quickly demonstrated the business value of a more data-driven approach through the implementation of loyalty and retention programmes targeted by scoring and personalised according to customer profiles, mobilising all the company's players (marketing, data, IT, finance, distribution channels and of course top management).
They will present the major stages of this project, the lessons learned and the prospects for a transformation that is now entering its third year with ever more ambitious objectives.
The 3 painpoints that will be solved/addressed during this masterclass:
- How to prove the relevance of a more advanced use of data through concrete and rapid results
- How to lead data projects with less mature teams and with limited technical means on this new type of problem?
- How to federate all the company's stakeholders around a project launched by marketing
Didier Richaudeau
Data associate
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