Client case studies > CRM maturity and customer experience design

Customer experience

CRM maturity and customer experience design

  • Data-driven strategy
  • Digital acceleration
  • Retail & e-commerce
Maturité CRM et design de l’expérience client


A fashion-luxury actor wanted to make data and CRM the pillars of its growth strategy, and to reinforce the commitment of its customers through more relational relevance.

The main objectives are
  1. 01.

    Increase the data collected and implement a process to gradually qualify customers

  2. 02.

    Set up an operational segmentation for stores and brand revenue generators

  3. 03.

    Upgrade and tailor the customer experience and increase the performance of the relational marketing channel (or customer relations/engagement channel)

  • Complete diagnosis of the brand's relational maturity: performance of collection sources and GDPR compliance, uses and limits of customer segmentation, effectiveness of CRM action plans, in-store customer experience scripting
  • Definition of the new client ambition and implementation plan covering all assets
  • Increase of the collection and quality of data
  • Optimisation of the customer communication performance
  • Increase in the customer satisfaction performance, mystery shopping surveys and customer engagement indicators

Key expert


Bertrand Destailleur

Associate Customer Experience


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