Notre Expertise > Data Governance
How do I solve my Data Quality issues?
How do I reduce my Data projects Time to Market?
How do I insure GDPR Compliance?

What are we talking about?

As a critical success factor for data projects, data governance facilitates the use of data across organisations and optimises the use of existing business data to generate unprecedented value for both employees and customers. By defining clear processes and governance, organisations ensure optimal data quality and generate unprecedented benefits.

Our field of actions

  • Framing the project: we ask you the relevant questions to achieve YOUR objectives quickly
  • Co-construction of the Data Governance strategy: together we define the objectives and KPIs to ensure your success and help you develop the processes and choose the right profiles needed for sustainable and effective governance
  • Launching the pilots, monitoring the implementation and deploying the strategy to all your departments.

Key expert

Didier Richaudeau

Didier Richaudeau

Data associate


What are the challenges?

Increased turnover through accelerated time to market, reduced infrastructure costs and optimised team productivity
A strong argument for proving the value of your business by improving the reliability of your data
A necessary asset for GDPR compliance

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